So it's been over a month since I've last blogged. A lot has happened gaming wise since I've been away, so let's get it back into motion, shall we?
First, to sum up before I left: I had just beaten Persona 3 Portable, an AWESOME RPG, That's easily in my top ten favorite RPGs of all time. Quite an amazing year for me! First Xenoblade Chronicles, then P3P...Maybe my JRPG days are not over? I also went and played Persona 3 FES to compare, and to play "The Answer," the epilogue chapter after the ending of Persona 3 (which is not on P3P.) To be honest, I did not like The Answer at all, and am glad they left it out of the P3P release. After playing FES, I can safely say, that I liked P3P better, it was made after Persona 3 FES and Persona 4, and I liked the improvements. That said, if you don't own a PSP of PS Vita, Persona 3 FES is still a must get game, simply because of how well constructed it is, how different it is compared to other RPGS on the PS2, and Value. It's also on the PS Store to play on PS3 via PS2 Classics!
I got Disgaea 4 Premium Edition for PS3 last month for my Birthday from my girlfriend. I'm making a point to go through the Disgaea series from beginning to end.
With that said I also got:
Disgaea: Afternoon of Darkness for $9.99
Disgaea 2: Dark Hero Days for $14.99
Via digital download for the PSP. I've beaten Disgaea 1 already (went through the game once) and going through the Bonus Etna Mode. I'll be going onto Disgaea 2 next.
Bouncing between Persona and Disgaea, I also got a copy of Persona 4 Arena for PS3 that comes with the bonus soundtrack. Before I get to that, I must finish Persona 4, which I own on PS2 and started up over a week and a half ago. I'm about half way through now, loving the heck out of it. This year has been pretty good for me and RPGs and I'm glad it's continuing.
I did pick up my Preorder for Last Story for the Wii (and got my soundtrack for it, which soundtracks and seem to be my newest obession as of late) though this puppy will be put off after Persona 4 is finished and some great playtime has been aquired in Persona 4 Arena.
Speaking of which, I'd love to get Persona 4 Golden for Vita one day, heck I'd love to preorder the Premium edition for it that comes with the Hori case and bag and such. But, with so many games, gotta balance the money (and time!)
I have fiddled with BlazeBlue Continum Shift Extend a bit in preperation of Persona 4 Arena, and to stop letting the game collect dust (hey, I did get it for free!)
In September, as I've mentioned many times before, I'm looking forward to the SF 4 25th anniversary set for PS3. So excited!
Also, has anyone tried to play PSone classics on Vita yet? amazingly I was abel to get all of my games on there except for 1 yet, that is not transferable to Vita yet, via Store, History, or PS3 (Legend of Mana).
So, there's what I've been up to. Busy, busy. Oh, before I forget, I did get Rock Band Blitz for 360 today. I'll be posting thoughts on that later. But for now, I need to get back to the gaming grind! My poor schedule is packed! Laters, Guys and Gals!