The list so far (in case you forgot :P):
Top 30 Games of 2010 I played - #21 - 30
#30 - Modnation Racers - PS3
#29 - Risk Factions - XBLA
#28 - Alien Breed Impact - PC (Steam
#27 - Beat Hazard - PC (Steam)
#26 - UFC Undisputed 2010 - PS3
#25 - Green Day Rock Band - Xbox 360
#24 - Alien Swarm - PC (Steam)
#23 - Ilomilo - Windows Phone 7
#22 - Hydrophobia - XBLA
#21 - Magic: The Gathering - Duels of the Planeswalkers PC (Steam)
On with part 3 of my list: My top 30 Games I played in 2010 continues with #16 - 20
#20 - Bayonetta - Xbox 360
Bayonetta was a part of an early 1-2 punch combo in 2010. Bayonetta and Dante's Inferno roughly came out at the same time in early 2010 and I got to demo both. While I loved both demos, I went with Bayonetta as my first purchase in 2010 (I wouldn't get to own Dante's Inferno til Christmas 2010, and I've yet to get to it.)
Bayonetta is one heck of a Japanese beat-em up: the words "over the top" don't even being to describe this title. Bayonetta is fast paced, in your face with it's suggestive character, and full of "what the" moments. The boss battle are huge, fun, and plenty, as well as the combat. Sega hit the sweet spot with this title.
As a video game player, I'm a sucker for "thrill rides." Somewhere between the tounge-in-cheekness, the bosses, and the "you've got to be kidding me" moments, I fell in love with this game in 2010. I dunno if there will ever be a sequel, but I must say I'm glad to have played this title in 2010.
#19 - Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light - XBLA
"What's this you say? A Lara Croft game that's downloadable only? It'll never work."
Guess what. It works.
The 2.02 gig game (!) worked in charming me and other players by bringing a different approach to the Tomb Raider games. The game is presented in a top down/isometric view, where you guide Lara through levels while solving puzzles, taking on creatures in the new combat system (firing with the right stick = good idea) and collecting items and treasures along the way. All the attributes of the past Tomb Raider games are here: puzzles, exploration, combat and unlockables, all spruced up with the new gameplay: new controls, overview, plenty of challenges to complete, the scoring system and teamwork.
Yes, in addition to the single player mode, there's an excellent two player mode as well, that works perfectly. The abilities and tasks are divided up so well, that with the combat and puzzles, it works out so well. It's what not only made this game a good game, but a great game. Let's hope for a sequel.
#18 - Final Fantasy XIII - Xbox 360
Final Fantasy 13 was the first game in a long time that I actually went to a launch party for. Standing in Gamestop earlier this year, talking about past Final Fantasy games, in addition to this one, was great.
Final Fantasy 13 is beautiful, lively, and full of heart. The characters are well developed, and the story is definitely a heart-melter.
Outside of the pretty graphics and story, the game is also fun to play. I loved the fact that the game is a bit more streamlined compared to other RPGs. The combat features no random battle (always a plus) with fast paced action. While turned based gameplay is gone, it still retains the strategy of previous Final Fantasy games. As you battle your characters gain crystal points which you can use to upgrade your characters roles (Commando, Ravager, Medic, Saboteur, Synergist, and Sentinel) as well as help them gain new abilities, HP, Magic etc. (similar features have been in other Final Fantasy games.) The Crystarium is a leveling system consisting of six crystals that very much resembles the Sphere Grid from Final Fantasy X.
The upgrade system, battle system and no random battles makes it fun and non-tedious to fight...something I can't say about any other Final Fantasy game in the traditional series.
While the game features a lot of changes, it retains many of the elements that the previous Final Fantasy games have had, just under a new way. While some purists did not like this game at all, I like it; I appreciate the changes, embrace them, and love the fact that it's not a super long RPG. In the last few years I've been notorious for not finishing RPGS, and it usually has to do with time. I don't have the time, as well as others, to sit and do a 40 hour RPGs anymore. The game's not perfection, but is sweet non-the-less. While I've yet to finish this game, I shall in 2011 since I'm very far in. I can promise you that.
#17 - Bioshock 2 - PS3
Bioshock 2 is a game I got super lucky on earlier this year. I managed to nab it for just 20 bucks new in early summer of 2010. While most of my playtime with the title came from my girlfriend playing with it (and she played a lot of it), I loved the atmosphere in the game. The makers of the game didn't just make a game, they made a world. The characters, the environment, everything draws you in. It's not just fun to play, to experience the powers, but it's darn fun to watch and experience.
I put Bioshock 2 on the same level as Fallout 3; it sucks you in, and never lets you go.
I really need to get the first Bioshock.
#16 - Toy Soldiers - XBLA
I don't remember why I tried this game, but I do remember I was hooked within 5 minutes of playing. Toy Soldiers is a tower defense game, but with a twist. Players can create and control units like in traditional tower defense games, and/or control a single unit. So as you place that howitzer or mortar, you can choose to take control of it and blast away troops yourself instead of the AI. It provides a thrilling twist on the Tower Defense game play.
Imagine this, you set up your machine gun troops, 2 motors, and three howitzers. The enemy attacks. As the enemy attacks, the you hop into a bomber and bomb away from the sky, as your computer controlled placements attack away. Or better you you take control of a tank and blast and fry those plastic solders to no end. It's awesome when it works together. And words don't do this game justice, you gotta see it in action and play it to really understand why this game is so good.
I'm so glad I tried this game and bought it. Not only is it an awesome XBLA title, it might just be my favorite Tower Defense game ever.