Top Ten Things I've Learned From E3 2009...So Far
10. Every system needs motion controls....whether you want one or not. :P
9. And every system needs to connect to FaceBook And Twitter...otherwise there is something wrong. Not like the world isn't connected enough right? :p
8. Heavy Rain is a QTE Addict's dream...there are such beings right?
7. We gotta wait one more year for FF13...and FF 14?!!
6. Mario isn't done on the Wii Platformer wise...not by a Yoshi tongue grab long shot.
5. And Zelda isn't done either. Wii and Ds here he comes!
4. PS3 has finally matured. That I might have to buy a PS3 finally. Never thought I'd say that!
3. Left 4 Dead 2 isgoing tobe awesome by default. Why? One word: Chainsaws.
2. That Jody is awesome for giving us a chat room to use during the e3 events. Go Jody!
1. According to James Cameron, Avatar is gonna be biggest thing of all time. Bigger then Star Wars, Godzilla, and Santa Claus combined. According to how long his speech went.
Awesome E3 so far BTW. :p