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Uncharted 1 Finished, More LBP Trophy Fun, and Gravity Rush Preview

Well to prepare for the PS Vita launch (and Uncharted: Golden Abyss), I decided to play and beat the first Uncharted on PS3, over the weekend. I've had the game for quite a while, but never got around to it until now. While Playing I managed to nab every trophy except 3 (finish on medium, finish on hard, finish on crushing) I might go back to do it, but after nabbing the trophies and finishing the game I don't want to wear myself out on the Uncharted series before the Vita launch.


I've also gone back to LittleBigPlanet 1 to nab a few more trophies:

-Beast Slayer (Defeat the kraken)

-Ace the Kraken (Finish Act 5 in Pirates without dieing)

-The Bends (Achieve a score on 7000 in the diving treasure challenge)

-Virtual Survivor (Score more then 3,750 points in the VR training challenge)

-Ace Act 5: The Boss (Finish Act 5 in Metal Gear Solid Pack without dieing)

-Speedy Rexecutioner (Finish Act 5 in the Metal Gear Solid Pack under 2:30)


Right now I'm wearing a brace on my left wrist to hell eleviate some complications from lifting too much at work.


One of the games I'm getting at the Vita launch will be Gravity Rush:

