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Unit 13, Afterglow Communicator, Motorstorm RC opinions, Plus MJ for Vita Review

Hello Gamespotters! I've been enjoying my day off greatly.

On Tuesday, I picked up a new vita Game, a new accessory, and a digital game.

Unit 13, PS Vita, New, $40

Bluetooth AP.3 Afterglow Communicator $30

Motorstorm RC, PS Vita, Digital, Free

I've only got a chance to play a little bit of Unit 13, but so far it has been a blast. The game is really designed as a pickup and go title, and fills a void in the Vita library, the 1st/3rd person shooter. If anything it shows that it can handle a 1st/3rd person shooter rather well. I love the challenges, the fact it has co-op play, and the gameplay. The only thing I dislike, is sometimes the game COD's it by having too many enemies thrown at you at once. I'll talk more about the game In future blogs after I play more of it.

I've been looking for a good bluetooth for quite a while for my PS3 (and my Vita), and I finally found one. The AP.3 Afterglow Communicator is a new product in the line of light-up video game products by PDP. Most are familiar with their Afterglow, PS3, Wii, and 360 controller, among other things. Well now they have released a bluetooth headset for the PS3, Vita, and other mobile devices.

I must say, it's excellent. The quality of the sound from the piece is A quality, and you can be 30 feet from your bluetooth device and still use it. Not only that, it fits comfortably, is very light on the ear, and easy to connect. I was able to connect it to my PS3 within about 15 seconds. The unit blinks to let you know it's on (so no, it doesn't stay lit constantly). The mute button is big enough to easily use for quick access (and lights up to let you know when mute is on), features volume buttons and a power button. Unit also comes with a usb cord. The unit features 10 hours of Talk time, and 180 Hour of Standby time, so each charge lasts a long time.

Rating 9.0/10 I highly recommend the unit, for not only it's cost, but it's battery life, and quality.

Motorstorm RC is awesome. Why is it awesome? 'CAUSE IT'S FREE FOR VITA. Not only that, it's of good quality too. I've been gaming with it on my lunch breaks. It looks good, I like the easy pick up and go gameplay as races do not take long to complete. You control each RC car just like you would with an RC Controller. Left/Right with the left stick, Accelerate/reverse with the right stick. It does take some getting use to if you are like me, who probably hasn't touch an RC car controller is over 17 years. I did change the controls, which the game allows you to do so, to the following: L button for Reverse, R button for Accelerate, Triangle to change cam view, X for action button, and circle for reset vehicle, and D pad for left/right movements. It allowed me to have better control of the car while racing, then via the sticks. There's a version for the PS3 which is cross compatible with the Vita for $9.99. I'll post more about the game as I play more.

When the first games/demos for PS Vita were put up in the US store, one game Michael Jackson: The Experience HD demo had an issue.

It was not a demo.

No, It was the full game.

Ubisoft: "DOH!"

Needless to say it was taken down (and isn't the first demo on a console to be the full game by mistake), but I had actually downloaded the demo, among others, for the Vita release the following week.

So I (among others) got the full game for free due to Ubisoft's (or was it Sony's) error. Trophy's don't get synced to the server, but hey free is free.

So, I've been playing it in my free time, completing every one of the 15 songs on every difficulty, and beating most of the challenges.

Make no mistake, the game is pretty fun. What is there is visually, is good, the 15 songs come out darn good via the Vita, and the gameplay is solid and responsive. What you get to play is pretty good.

What you don't get it enough content to justify the $40 price tag ($36 digital). 15 songs is too short of a setlist to justify the asking price. The game is designed to you replay each song numerous times, to unlock song effects, costumes, gloves, and challenges, but even still, 15 songs is way to short. The game would have been better served as a digital download for no more then a $20 asking price. If it were at that price, it would be much better to recommend. If you browse the Metacritic reviews for the game, you'll see it's the same common thing: the core gameplay is good, what you get is good, but it doesn't have enough content to justify the price.

I give the game a 6.5/10 When the game gets around $20 or so, check it out. But for now, save the money for other Vita games.