Saddle up owpokes and cowpok..ettes and listen up to the latest games I've herded..Ssomeone start the campfire and get the guitar!
Home, home on the range...
First up the three I got last week:
Pokemon Ranch (for my sister), Wiiware
World of Goo, Wiiware
Alien Crush Returns (for my dad), Wiiware
Now this week:
I stopped by Gamestop for it's Game days sales, and didn't get anythign from that. Intead I opted for these:
Castle of Shikigami III, Wii, $20, New
Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn, $35, Used but it's not covered in stickers xD So it's like if I bought it new...I hate those stickers...
Also with the rest of my Wii points I have picked up
Kirby's Dream Land 3, SNES VC Console Wii
Super Mario RPG, SNES VC Console Wii
Harvest Moon, SNES VC Console Wii
Super Punch out!, SNES VC Console Wii
Lords Of Thunder, TG-16 VC Console Wii
Vacation is gonna be good this year. I can't wait to get out of town. xD