For, what it seems like ages now, I've always said that gamers need to vote with their wallets. If they don't like something, or what a company/publisher/game maker is doing, don't buy the product. If you like something, or want the industry to take notice that you want more of something, support the product.
I've been really impressed as of late with the kickstarter projects that have been happening, like Double Fine adventure, Wasteland 2, Shadowrun, and others. People are getting what they want, and letting the industry know that hey, these games or types of games are not dead, we want this product. It's an awesome thing.
What also has made me proud is how gamers have got together and said that they want these three RPGs to come to the Wii: Xenoblade Chronicles, The Last Story, and Pandora's Tower. Let's face it, the Japanese RPG genre hasn't been in full force like in the last generation of games, and the landscape has changed quite a bit. But there's tons of gamers out there that want a good Japanese RPG, and want to play them.
So, yesterday I voted with my wallet. I'm a big fan of Japanese video games. While a lot would say, the industry would say (or maybe wish), that Japanese games aren't popular anymore, I say otherwise. I love Japanese video games. I love a good Japanese RPG. I know I'm not the only one.
So, I bought Xenoblade Chronicles yesterday. With the purchase, I'm saying that I like a good Japanese RPG. I don't want them to go away. I'm saying I love Japanese games. In fact, I appreciate them more in this gen then last gen, because of how popular/dominate American/European games have become. So, I'm glad to support this game!