Technically one.. basically two..
GAMEZNOW23's forum posts
I though light just made you sneeze in general? Not the sun, whenever I feel one coming on, I look into light and I don't have that annoying delay.. )
I'd love to see it top 1 million because it would prove hardcore games have a place on the Wiipeter1191
Yes, one of three hardcore games! Yay Nintendo! I'm happy for them, and I LOVE the game, but if they actually think in their heads that these three games will put them ahead of the others, well.. they've got another thing coming.
Three things wrong with this topic buddy
1. It's already been seen on this forum. Sorry
2. It's possibly fake, doesn't have the wifi symbol (and online has been hinted at a lot)
You actually believe online will be in the game? You're kidding right..
Metroid Prime 3, and maybe Super Mario Galaxy.
Super Smash Brothers will be the biggest dissappointment in a long time.
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