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F*** The World

     You know in this day and age of medicinal miracles and technological breakthroughs, you would think that we as the human race would have advanced as well. But it seems to me that all I ever see are the same idiotic, stupid, and downright mean people that have always been around. (and it's not because I've stayed in the same place all my years)

     I've lived in a few different states in this country and visited a few more and everywhere I go...they are there. Want proof? Try looking around you when you drive...they are the road ragers, the people who park in handicap spaces, the people who know that the road (due to construction and the like) is being narrowed down to 1 lane and (because the signs and flashing lights for at least a mile back tell us so) they have to (for whatever the selfish reason) drive all the way down to where the cones end to cut you (and everybody else who've been patiently waiting in line) off ...Why?...because they can't wait.

     But wait...I'm safe at work right? WRONG! They are there too. The a**holes who come in with hangovers or luggage from a bad home life or bad attitudes because they think the world owes them so much because their parents didn't believe in any form of birth control and spawned these idiots on the world. Here's a piece of advice to all of you who have jobs that deal with the public...if you don't like people then "DON'T APPLY FOR A JOB IN ANY FORM OF PUBLIC SERVICE!"

     Now before the hate mail starts to come in let me just say that I know that they are on BOTH sides of the to the customer who's pissed because they've been waiting in line longer than they wanted to...or because the item didn't ring up at the sale price (because it was probably on the wrong rack to begin with) I say (if you're intellegent enough) "STAY HOME AND DO YOUR SHOPPING ON THE INTERNET!"

      Whatever happened to holding the door for the person/people entering behind you?...and if someone still does this for you, would it kill you to give a little smile and say "thank you"? Whatever happened to letting someone over when they have their turn signal on?...and if someone does this for you, would it kill you to give a little wave to say "thanks"?

      Whatever happened to common decency? Now I'm as horny as any person that you'll ever meet...But I'm not going to tell my buddy about how good my wife was last night on my cell phone while waiting in line behind an elderly couple and a mom with her young children...

     Clearly, by now we would've conquered prejudice by now right?...WRONG! Look if you want to hate somebody because they're an a**hole, than fine...hate them because they're an a**hole! But here's a news flash for those of you who missed it...A**holes come in all colors! Get over it! I'm so sick and tired of hearing "he only got the job because he's black" or "I can't get ahead because the white man is keeping me down" or "the Mexicans are stealing all the jobs" or "all Oriental people look the same" I as an American have only one belief that may be considered prejudice or racist but If you come to this country to live or work...learn the language...speak English! Nuff said!

I watched my now 4 year old son at preschool the other day as he played with boys and girls of different skin colors (I don't say race because we are all one race...the human race) and bless them all none of the evils of prejudice were present...if they fought over something it was because someone took away a toy...(kid version of a**hole rule above)...Maybe, just maybe we... as adults... can think back to when we were that young and learn a thing or two from our children...thanks for letting me rant and for those of you I've offended...F.T.W...............

Cartoons...Now & Then

  As someone who grew up in front of the T.V. every Saturday morning and every weekday after school, I can honestly say that I've seen more cartoons than the average kid. I wouldn't just stick with just my, no, no...I would flip between channels and check out each name it and I've seen it...Cartoons back in my day (Jonny Quest, Speed Racer, Marine Boy, Scooby-Doo (the originals), ...etc.) were funny, action-packed, entertaining, good always beats evil...(sometimes by using ultra-violent means) YEAH!

  Well now many years later I find myself on the sofa with my 1st son enjoying the experience all over again...except somethings missing??? Where's the VIOLENCE??? ...for that matter where's the intellegent humor? With the exception of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turles cartoon of the 80's (which by the way had indeed surrendered to using powderpuff action) All the cartoons pretty much sucked!!!

Which brings me to today...many (many) years later, I again find myself on the sofa with my 2nd son enjoying the whole experience again...BUT this time I find myself enjoying them again! I find that cartoons "especially" on Nick! Cartoon Network shows are pretty stupid with the exceptions of Ed, Edd, & Eddy and the new Scooby Doo...Nicktoons I find are more entertaining. Spongebob Squarepants is just as funny and smart as any Looney Tunes episode I've ever seen. Some more of my favorites are produced by Butch Hartman...Fairly Oddparents and Danny Phantom...along with Jimmy Neutron and Rugrats/All Grown Up to complete my new cartoon line's refreshing to see that cartoons have come full circle and again are funny, well written, and chock full of slap-stick violence...and remember funny cartoons are funny cartoons but weird cartoons are just WEIRD:?.....

Mother's Day

I guess iit's time I acknowledge 2 Great "MOM's" in my life...My Mom and My Wife..2 amazing women who have put up with me for longer than they should have...I Love You Mom!

...and on a personal note I want to wish my MOM-IN-LAW a Happy Mothers Day too