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Hoping for a better year...

So here it is, the end of 2010 and onward to 2011.
It has been one heck of a journey, and mostly not for the best.
A lot of downs with little ups but hey life's a b**** then you die or so they say.
Anyways enough of that let's get down to christmas. I didn't get a whole lot but I'm still thankful for what I got.
In terms of games I got GH Warriors of Rock, Rock Band 3, Goldeneye, and Fallout New Vegas. And today I got Bloodstone.
As for non games I got a Mr. Potato Head Yoda and Iron Man lol. My Mom got me them to go along with my Darth Vader, stormtrooper, and Indiana Jones Mr. Potato Head. And I got a wrestling shirt, most of you don't care about that so it's ok. But he is a Washington State native (like me) who just got in the WWE and his name is Daniel Bryan. My neighbors got me a $20 PSN card and two Rush CDs.
So that's my haul for this year, it's small but still good.
I think I might go on my own little shopping spree soon to get some CDs and some new anime. But that all depends on my next check coming next week.

Anyways as always if you want to know more just ask.
I will see you all in 2011.