the thousand point itch...
by GCN49 on Comments
i've always sorta cared about XBox Live GamerPoints... but now that i'm within an earshot of earning my first thousand, i'm getting more and more into it... the sound that resonates every time you unlock an Achievement sends chills of joy down my spine... and now that i'm within a few days of beating both Call of Duty 2 and Perfect Dark Zero, I am almost positive i'll have a thousand points hopefully by this Saturday... i can smell those points now... and they smell oh so good... *just added up possible Achievement earnings from beating Call of Duty 2 and Perfect Dark Zero... and i'm gonna have to almost beat Tomb Raider, or pull a miracle on MLB 2K6 (that game's achievements are monster hard) to fill in the points gap and reach my first thousand in points... oh well... looks like i've got some good, long, hard gaming ahead of me... good thing i have tomorrow off... yessssss...