Vacation coming to a close... soon
by GCN49 on Comments
so, after more than a month abstaining from all things even remotely related to school or work, i'm starting to get back into the swing of things by putting up some photos here. First are screens from this really cool Pac-Man motif I did on a car in Forza Motorsport 2. There's an album of them, so go check it out on my Images tab... And I'm just starting to work through the tons and tons of World of Warcraft screens that have literally taken over my desktop. I've been playing a lot the last month, and have taken more than enough pictures. It's been a busy month on the server I play on, a new instance opened in Silithus, causing a whole bunch of mayhem... Too bad my main was only high enough to get to Tanaris, but there was still some madness spilling over into Gadgetzan. I'll be adding screens of the aftermath of the fights there, as well as some other odds and ends over the next few days... so cheerio for now, and happy gaming...