Of course there's a whole Mac vs. PC thing going on here... and of course there's no right or wrong answer. I have a MacBook Pro because I use it for work, I do video production, graphic arts, and photography. So I need a Mac for Final Cut Pro, Photoshop, etc. I do play WoW and Spore on my MacBook Pro, but only because I can play them on there. If I couldn't, then I'd either not play,or play it on a PC or a dual-boot Mac. This is also why I have a 360, and Wii. To play games I can't play on my Mac. Whichever computer system you use, if you play games on it, that's great. If you don't, or can't: there are other options.
although the new show had less flair and penage than previous years, there were a lot more great games. There are so many coming out this fall and winter I don't honestly know when I'm going to find the time to play them all. There is always Christmas break I guess... Oh well, here's to what will be a great fall for gaming.
I am one of those fortunate people to have both a PS3 and a 360. I play games on a very regular, if not daily basis. I don't buy many games, I usually rent, unless the game is killer awesome, such as Gears of War, Virtua Fighter 5, then I'll buy... I have Resistance and VF5 for my PS3... and as much as I like those games, in the 3 odd months I've had my PS3, I've only had to recharge the controller once... now that says something... I have no friends on my Friend's List, where I have about 30 on my 360's Friend's List... In fact just recently a guy I met playing Call of Duty 2 invited me to play Crackdown... sadly, even if I had friends on my PS3's Friend List, someone I met playing Resistance I highly doubt would have the ability to just up an invite me to a race with him or her on Motorstorm... and since you can't, that's a problem... I do use the PS3 as a Blu-Ray Player... but I didn't buy the thing for that... I bought it to play games... to play those games that would be exclusive to that console, or games in which I prefer to use a Dual Shock 3, I mean SIXAXIS, controller to play, such is the case with Virtua Fighter 5... so right now, when I want to play a fighting game I boot up my PS3, when I want to play with other people online, it's the 360 that gets booted up...
my most anticipated games of '07 are (in no particular order): Halo 3, Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots, Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, Super Mario Galaxy, Super Smash Brothers Brawl, The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass, BioShock, Mass Effect
a quick note to BMXer_wannabe_2... you talk of the worthlessness of Achievement Points... do you own an XBox 360? Somehow I doubt you do or your opinion would be very different...
dual wielding needlers in Halo 2... finding Daedric armor in Oblivion... finding the special levels in Sonic 2... finding clovers in Okami which offer a good amount of praise... I consider all of those "treats"...
I have both a Nintendo DS Lite (which I bought after owning an original DS) and a Sony PSP. I like both handhelds for their respective strengths, but long load times on the PSP almost made me sell it back. I am currently in college, so I play my handhelds, generally, between classes in the library when I'm not (or should be) doing homework. I have about 4 times as many games for my DS as I do for my PSP, mainly because the DS has more games I like to play, and they're cheaper. If I have 5 minutes to play a game between classes, I'll pull out my DS for some Tetris, or a race in Mario Kart. I won't pull out my PSP to play Tekken or LocoRoco. The reason being: I can get into a game of Tetris or a race in Mario Kart in 10 to 20 seconds respectively. Whereas it takes about a minute or so to load up a fight in Tekken. I kept my PSP because of the exclusive titles coming to the handheld, like Ratchet and Clank: Size Matters, Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII, and Metal Gear: Portable Ops. If it weren't for those titles I probably wouldn't still have my PSP. It is a good system, but the long load times break it as far as being a "portable" system for me.
i'm glad there are some rpg's being developed for the XBox 360. I am also really excited about all of the original titles coming to the Wii. If Tekken 6 has an insanely incredible online mode, that might push me into buying a PS3. But probably not immediately, I refuse to pay 600 dollars for a video game console when that 600 bucks can buy me a Wii and 5 or 6 games for either the Wii or the 360. It's all a question of value.
I'm hoping to work in the video game industry as a journalistt... so all I can say is that i'm saddened to think that I will never be able to experience for myself the grandeur, the chaos, the insanity that was E3... Rest In Peace E3... Rest in Peace...
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