I stayed up to watch the whole thing and it's safe to say It's going to be extremely tough for Microsoft to follow that up and I don't know if they'll be able to somehow, but I'm looking forward to seeing the next Xbox and hopefully it will be able to compete!
@GDI_SOLDIER_94 Alright man no hard feelings, remember it's just hard to see whether something is malicious hate or just some fun online, as I'm sure you know.
i have got both consoles and a high end gaming pc and no doubt about it pc always wins by quite a bit graphics wise on nearly all multi format games but on this occasion it's a tight call between 360 and pc and ps3 seems disappointing as its too washed out unlike usual. just my opinion
haha guys youv gtta watch this its called the "hardcore gamer song" it sums up a gamer completely i swear to god lol! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQctcg9_--U
haha guys youv gtta watch this its called the "hardcore gamer song" it sums up a gamer completely i swear to god lol! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQctcg9_--U Watch! its awsome!
GDI_SOLDIER_94's comments