You don't know what you're talking about... I can understand perhaps why you think its a gimmick because up until the 3DS it has been a gimmick in gaming but w/ some of the grade A quality games the 3DS has released I believe it to be the best thing to happen to, "Graphics" in two generations (Since PS2 / Xbox). It adds a level of immersion that better and better processors can't. Graphics @ this point are nearly photo realistic... so what more can be done? 3D changes that... and the 3DS is brilliant in my opinion. I'd recommend checking out Shadow Wars, PilotWings, MarioKart7, Kid Icarus, Zelda OoT just to name a few to show what the 3DS can do.
You do know that the 3DS is KILLING the Vita in sales right? I'm interested in the Vita because I am starting to become more a, "Mobile Gamer" but to knock the 3DS and praise the Vita is stupid. 3DS is a WAY better experience in terms of quality games right now by comparison. Not to mention I believe the 3D to be one of the greatest things to happen to, "Graphics" (So to speak) in TWO generations.
GEBumbleBee's comments