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2022 118 63

ATTEn..... HUT!!!

The boss at our Las Vegas Gamestop has called me and all other employees for a meeting. We walked in the backroom, on the right was the office and on the left was a small conference hall which I never went or knew existed. Some of us were all shacky and thought our days were outnumbered. Our boss took us to the hall, told us to have a sit which everyone took without any hestitation. A man came and turned of the lights and I like everyone was getting a bit jumpy. Than a projector was started stating Noember 17 and 19. Guess we all know what that means. Than he told us it would be 2 of the most busiest days of our lives. He showed us how we should deal with the masses of people and always make sure everyone follows the rule to the word to make sure law and order remains in the floor. If not...............than just like Lambert from Third Echelon would say "We are pulling you out". Than she showed in the projector where the seats, food sections would be set up and showed the number of allowed people per section so that the level of chaos doesn't go out of hand. Than he said GOOD LUCK! Than the lights went out and everyone of us were talking about this on our way out. Did I just signed my own death warrant?

Also I got GT 2 in real cheap 10$ promotion hear in Gamestop for 24hrs. COOL DEAL. The game is just awesome and it deserves more than that kind of money, even though i am not complaing:D. Also I am on the end of Company of heroes and will post my impressions after I finish it.

Thats it!