As for spending a lot of time with my gf, family, etc. I have devoted sometime foe gaming. I am planning to play some quality ps2 titles from my brother in my ps3, as previously i didn't have one and was not motivated to play in his system.
I will also play Oblivion expansion pack, Knights of the Nine on the PC. Gears of War and the entire Tom Clancy 2006 series, from Ghost Recon to Rainbow Six LV in the 360.
After analyzing games for both systems, 360 is clearly, handsdown, the best system to suit my tastes, I luv action/adventure games, FPS games, third person shooter games, Western RPGs, Sci-fi. All which is in the 360 domain.
Games for 2007 I will buy:
1: GTA 4 (360 or PS3)
2: HALO 3 (360)
3: Mass Effect (360)
4: Bioshock (360)
5: Splinter Cell 5 (360)
6: MGs 4( PS3)
7: Assassin's Creed (PS3, 360)
8: Army of 2 (PS3, 360)
9: Crysis (PC)
Possible announcements for 07:
1: Prince of Persia
2: Max Payne 3
Titles I really want to know from Sony:
1: Gateway PS3
2: 8 days
3: and of course Africa.
Damn, it looks like i wasted my money on PS3.
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