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Jumping In

I got it. My Dad was getting it shipped to his house while I was at my Mom's, so I was a little worried that there would be yet another day that went by without the device that, after a tricky auction on eBay, was rightfully mine. When I called my Dad after coming home from school today, all he said was, "I'm coming over right now. I'll be there soon." If you've read my earlier post, you knew that today was the day, as did I. I was filled with excitement after hearing such a thing, and my Dad, brother, and I crowded around the UPS package as my father sliced open the case with such violence that I'm surprised nothing was destroyed. And then, I saw the bright green of my Core System (who knows when the Premium will arrive) box, and I knew that everything would be alright. After a little bit of trouble setting up the wonderful system (how the heck do I set up my wireless controllers?!), which is cooler-looking and much lighter than the original Xbox, in more ways than one, I started up Perfect Dark Zero and fell in love. This is amazing. This is a revolution. After finishing the first level and moving over to my homework, which I should be doing right now, my brother tried out Call of Duty 2 and was blown away, just as I was. If you're waiting for your Xbox 360, staying faithful to your Best Buy or EB Games, you need to know two things: screw them. If you have the money, snag one off of eBay and don't be picky about Core Systems. You need to get your hands on this console. Second, if you know that you're getting your system soon, stop watching gameplay videos. I know they look pretty, but there will be nothing in those videos that compares to having the (very comfortable) controller in your hands. So have fun. And jump in.