New Game- Fun Stuff
by GFreeman1998 on Comments
Hrm. Howdy again. Well, I was set to get Indigo Prophecy, but I wound up picking up Far Cry: Instincts instead, and while it's certainly not perfect (and part of me thinks Indigo Prophecy would've been a better choice), I'm having fun with it. You know the game looks good, you know the guns are cool and the feral abilities add a nice touch to the game, so I'm just going to focus on the negatives. It's my thing, what can I say? First off, my reaction to the feral abilities after I got them was really sort of a, "Is that it?" There really isn't much with it- feral jump and feral speed are cool and all, but the whole slash thing is totally ripped from Halo 2's energy sword, and you don't even have the glowing to make the rip-off feel worthwhile. Actually, I noticed another rip-off of Halo- the fourth (?) level of the game, Rain Forest, is a complete jack of 343 Guilty Spark. I mean it. You are fighting through the jungle, looking for an important character to find answers, and then discover these little flood-looking things, but they're nowhere near as creepy and they're red. They even attack and swarms and go down with the prerequisite two shots. Come on, folks. That is a complete, shameless jack. Did I mention the torn-up military you see along the way, hinting at the possibility of some other force in the area? Or the run-down military base you go into and then, at the end of the level, escape from? I also am not a big fan of the frequent- and not short- loading times. After a server I was on toppled over (the lag is pretty bad), I got a "this server is unavailable" message and then had to go to a loading screen in order to get back to the Xbox Live menu. And finally, this isn't really a big deal, but what is with Ubisoft and making these really long and nearly unskippable intro videos with their games? First it was Chaos Theory, which I put up with because that game was near-perfect, now there's one in this game. And I think it's longer. By the by, if you happen to be surfing the 'net and have nothing to do, may I suggest: It's an article on Wikipedia about the G-Man, and it has some very, very interesting tidbits and speculation in it. The article even lists the actual contents of his briefcase! Now that's cool. I should point ou that Wikipedia did such a good job with this article that you can know nothing about Half-Life and still enjoy this. In fact, this may make you a fan. And wouldn't that be cool?