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These looping feelings

I can now tell you, with only three hours of single-player under my belt, that Lost Planet is awesome.

I didn't think it would be so. In fact, while playing it, you get so immersed that you don't even notice how much fun you're having. It sounds like a negative, but it really hits you when you're not playing the game, and it calls to you in a veritable Siren's song:

"Come play me! Don't you want to blow up big robots and bugs with a machine gun?"

To that, I say hells yes.

Zelda has taken up so much of my life that I haven't even noticed what it's taken away. I now only need one more piece of the Mysterious-ly Ancient (Yet Broken) Artifact That Is The Most Important Artifact Ever, Too Bad Ganon Broke It, in order to, er, move forward with the story. That basically entails me being given a new objective, telling the objective to get the hell away from me, and running in circles in Castle Town for about three hours straight.

Anime news: I ask again, how could I have forgotten how much fun Tenchi Muyo was? Rampant sexuality, lightsabers (complete with more-than-similar sound effects), demons, cabbits (that's right, I said cabbit), and the best spa scene ever. How did this show wind up on Cartoon Network?

In other news, I was kicked from a union, because I was mocking the leader. I find this to be the absolute best reason to be kicked from a union. At least I don't have the burden of participating any longer.

Freedom! Forever!