Someone gimme a PS3 and set me loose.
Yes, I've finally caved. Being a very reluctant PC user (how do I get my Half-Life fix otherwise?) and having spent the first 3/4 of my time gaming as a Sony fanboy, I've never really categorized myself as a Microsoft fanboy. I've tried to convince myself that I'm not a Sony hater, I'm just a realist; this belief hasn't changed. It is with this in mind that I say the following:
I want a PlayStation 3.
I understand that this is an odd time to want one, and, for all intents and purposes, I have no logical explanation for why I want it- Virtua Fighter 5, Motorstorm, and Resistance are my best excuses for now- but I have a strange desire to own the system. Maybe it's the old Sony fanboy in me calling out for it, albeit at a much, much weaker level. Maybe I'm insane (more so than usual, anyway). But I want the system in my posession, and I get the feeling that- with my birthday only eleven days away- it just may be so.
Been sick rather often recently, so I've had a solid chunk of time to read the Kanon manga while periodically viewing the KyoAni telling. I've discovered that Nayuki becomes a completely different character in the transition. I still root for her, though. I've always perceived Ayu as annoying, and Nayuki's cuter.
Another reason why I've been absent for a while is that I've been wading my way through a story I've been writing... looking back, I'm starting to realize that it may be around two hundred pages long. Holy crap. And, in case you're wondering, yes, I actually write stories for my own entertainment. Don't ask why, it's just a thing with me.
I discovered MegaTokyo a while ago, but I've never really taken the time to get into it... getting through a series that big (what is it, almost one thousand pages?) seemed like a daunting task, and I was worried about how worthy the payoff would be.
Oh, how wrong I was.
Being an interesting mix of the two main characters myself, I almost instantly loved the humor (though I object to Piro's GAINAX shirt... those endings will never appeal to me) and the art. But when the series starts to become more focused on plot, I realized how wonderful the comic was. There are so many sweet moments that blend seamlessly with Largo's humorous subplots. that I had an immediate desire to read more. One of the best moments, however, was when I looked up Piro's "sad girl in snow" drawing, and- being a fan of that kind of art (did I mention I like Kanon?)- was almost immediately struck by melancholy.
Ah, fun. Anyways, go outside or something. There's still snow all around me, but that's what I get for, uh, living... here. Or whatever.
Oh, and a quick side note: I posted a comment replying to Gamergirl, Malek, and Bombbay waaaaaay down below the Square letter. Wasn't able to because my PC crashed twice in a row when I attempted to post.
Come on. I can run HL2 and F.E.A.R., but I can't post a comment on GS? Ugh.