by GFreeman1998 on Comments
I have no idea what I'm doing up at this ungodly hour. My Mac's (yeah, I'm a "Mac gamer", which has to be an oxymoron) clock says that it's 12:32 AM. That would explain the sleepiness I feel right now. Anyways. I've been looking at the newest trailer of Advent Rising, and I must say, I'm very excited about this game. I really hope it lives up to all of the promise it's showing. While I'm a huge fan of Orson Scott Card's and I do believe that story is very important to a game, I'll be the first to say that it's not everything. E3 this year was... disappointing. Aside from the announcements and all of the new consoles (more on that later), it didn't seem like there was much outside of a few half-hearted announcements (I'm looking at you, MGS4) and trailers for games that we already knew about. About the consoles... you'll hear enough about the PS3 and the Xbox 360 from gaming news sites (like this one) and G4, so I'd like to rant about Nintendo. If anyone from Nintendo is reading this (yeah, whatever), let me tell you this: LEAVE YOUR JOB NOW. This year's E3 showed me that Nintendo has put the gun in its mouth and is waiting for Sony and Microsoft to fire it. In terms of the Nintendo Revolution, all we saw was a shiny black rectangle. No specs, no screenshots, NO GAMES. The DS is just gaining a little steam that will die down when people realize how powerful the PSP is, so all of Nintendo's efforts to keep the lil' system afloat will eventually be in vain. And, for God's sake, I love my Gamecube, but would somebody please come out with something good for it that doesn't involve zombies and isn't another sequel to a series that started in the 80's? I'll let you think this over. In the meantime, I'll be yelling at cheaters and n00bs on Halo 2.