You guys are morons, go check out uncharted:drakes fortune and tell me if xbox 360 has anything in comparison graphic and gameplay wise. And you wanna know why mgs4 isn't comming to 360, it not cause its an exclusive cause kojima studio's wanted it on the 360 so it can rake money, its because xbox360 cant handle it... lets se how bioshock will look on the ps3. Xbox is the biggest waste of money ever.... 750 bucks to get everything, from the hdmi wires all the way to the hd dvd player.. so suck it fanbot 360's, cause in the end you all no youll be getting a ps3, whether its for msg4,little big planet, killzone 2, fall 2, ff13, ff verus, siren. takken 6,white knigh take your pick, plus unless your hosting a game online with the 360 there consistent lagg... did i mention you need to pay monthly for xbl how gay ill c all you 360 fanbots on the ps3 soon enough. PS3 IS EVOLUTION. THERES NO STOPPING IT!
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