Counter Strike 7 years and counting..... from beta to source, but then i cooled off that and went to cod4, now i playing nothing, just kz2 from time to time...
GFreydson's forum posts
i think metal gear 5 will come in some form or another, how many times did hideo say he was goina stop making mgs? I read months ago on that there working on another game that takes place in the metal gear universe, but hideo isnt going to be a part of it, but the same people that did mgs 4, are doing this new one with out hideo.
O by the way, killzone 2 is so good, master chief is comming back with his own game lol
killzone 2 is the truth, thats it, the last game i played that was so amazing was half life 2, if you dont like killzone2 controls, there other games, like cod4 and waw, R2, RB:V2, ect... so put up or shut up! And lets all be friends
I think your getting confused with the psp 3000 or 4000 whatever one isnt out yet. Thats supposedly going to drop the umd player, which increase life and some other stuff. If you dont have a ps3, i wouldnt wait till april. Remember spending helps the economy.ps3 may cut price in april good for the people but what bothers me is that it is speculated that it will not have a blu ray disk player. if so then how are the games supposed to run on it will. on what disks will be the future games come on like god of war 3 or final fantasy
[QUOTE="TheProdigyIV"]Heavy Rain will be mediocre. Great graphics, im just not too sure it will live up the hype. Thing is, When you only hear a few things about a game, Which is the good stuff, And you hear it has amazing graphics, Etc etc, They forget to tell you the bad things, and its when people play the game when its released, that they realize that. Stop hyping Heavy Rain. But I'd say Uncharted, Or God Of War 3Silent-HalYou haven't played any of Quantic Dream's other games have you? Take your uninformed little opinion and go and play Fahrenheit. Im looking up farenheit the game, is it the one from sega cd? if so, is that the last thing the company did? i wonder what the devs have been up too since then, cause i doubt they started heavy rain project in 1996 lol
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