@KBABZ: You cannot 100% the campaign levels with the included starter pack content. You can finish the actual storyline, yes, but you can't collect and do everything in the campaign levels themselves. Still, three of the 14 free-roaming adventure worlds are unlocked at the outset, so that's another 6 hours or so of content if no other purchase is made.
@bdrtfm: The lego games do not contain "plastic junk." Lego blocks are actual quality building toys. They're not everyone's cup of tea, naturally, but they are a far cry from junk. The toys included here can be used with any other lego sets whether or not the video game is ever played.
JBStone1981 @GI_Joe888 I don't think they could have anticipated this much overload. It's more complicated than they make it sound on the news reports. Buying more servers and plugging them in is not really exactly what's going on. There are multiple machines running various parts of the game world, and they are all interconnected. Stress on parts of the system cause cascade anomalies into other parts. It isn't possible to anticipate exactly how the many people who try to play once will stress a dynamic system. Without seeing their data, I can't really reach any conclusions on what they "should" have done. I just know that it will get handled eventually. No one bitched that Online was delayed until Oct 1. The bitching started when people felt inconvenienced. It's a sad commentary on our instant-gratification society. People need to man up and shut up. It isn't a broken product, no one was cheated, and the world isn't going to end if you can't log into a virtual world right this instant and rob a convenience store. People just need to chill.
On the contrary, you are supporting my point. I happen to be a programmer, and I know what a bug is. So I say again, the server infrastructure being unable to handle the load is not "an error in a computer program or system." But your ignorance is totally forgiven. Many people use technical words, as you did, in a too-general or too-specific sense, especially if they do not work in tech.
The game isn't unplayable because of bugs. It's unplayable because the server infrastructure can't handle the load. And no, there is no way they cold have anticipated every type of problem. The QA dept. cannot be that extensive to be able to replicate the many people who are all trying at once. We are essentially going to be in public beta for the next few weeks, they will iron out the problems as time goes by.
GI_Joe888's comments