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Call of Duty - "Camping"

It's a legitimate tactic as far as I'm concerned! Why the hell would I just run blindly into the other team! Of course I'm going to hide behind things. If folk are stupid/kind enough to keep running to where I am, why move?! What's really ironic is the folk who send you an email calling you a "noob" for "camping". Surely "camping" shows experience... Only a "noob" would run like a complete ass into the middle of the other team and start spraying. Whilst I'm here, the Under-barrel Grenade Launcher or "Noob-Tube" as it's become known, seems to be another spark which lights up ones inbox with a barrage of abusive (and often grammatically poor) emails. Apparently it too is the mark of a "noob". Once again, if I can get a kill from a long distance, rather than having to run up close, why not just take it? Bottom line, the folk who send these abusive emails are simply bad losers. Thing is...the more they complain the harder I camp.