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GMFC07 Blog

Xmas Gifts

What I Got For Xmas

Xbox 360 -Woohoo

Call Of Duty 4/Xbox360 Best First Person Shooter Ever

Fifa 08/Xbox360Way Better Than Pro Evo 08

Forza Motorsport 2/Xbox 360 Most Realistic Driving Game

Family Guy Season 6/DVD Side Splitting

Borat/DVD Side Splitting

And other Bits and Bobs

Brothers in Arms Rubbish

When i first played brothers in arms i was very dissappointed what a let down first of all the graphics were no better than any other ww2 game and the gameplay was awful the team that you control are useless the ai is just a huge let down when you tell them to look for cover all they do is run about like headless chickens this was meant to be a game that was a new experience commanding a squad of your own but the reality is that your squad are totally useless this is the worst ww2 game ever i woudnt even give it one out of five because it is simply awful.

Canis Canem Edit

I think that bully is one of the best games ever everthing about the game is great. brillant charcters and a side splitting story and i would say that bully is the best game on the ps2 i have had the game since it came out and i play it ever day and never get bored.

Do You Think The Same As Me?

Halo 3

I know that a lot of people think that Halo 3 is one of the best games ever but i am not a fan i played halo 2 on the xbox i though it was alright but i didnt think it was great. good graphics okay story but there was nothing here which was anything new i havent played halo 3 so i dont know what it is like but if it is the same as halo 2 then i won't be buying it