its a waky WORLD
by GMRMage on Comments
I dunno whats up but this site the more i think about it is kinda gay .. i mean come on .. its totally Cool with the levels and all but .. when i look at all the FRUCKING uber nerds out there that have like over 10000 posts on the forum .. in under 2 years .. it makes me wonder why these people dont get out more .. but then again that kinda answers that other equestions doesn't it. But i guess its okay when you think about becuase it is not just the total amount of timet hat these uber geks spend on the Computer .. but there actually habits and how it effects the TOTAL copying that they have to come about in there meaninlerss little lives.. So i guess i will get more to the points and make this a non official one of my first jouirnals in order to make sure that all you other people out there know what i feel like when certain JERKS on the interenet abuse there power ;p