GRIMSAGE's forum posts
Ok I am sure most of you ahve seen a free xbox 360 advertisement online or a ps3 one. I am wondering if you complete the offers do they really send you one? What holds them to that. How am I to prove that they owe me an Xbox or ps3? Are these ads for real or are they gimmicks?
I would think it would make since for them to release a 360 with a bigger hard drive and HDMI. If they did and made the price right then that would make a good reason to buy a 360 over the PS3. But probably a joke.
I am not a personal fan of sony but in the end they will probably win the console war this generation. They have the most loyal fanbase. But as for buying one now there are not many good games for it yet. I would buy the 360 for now and save for a PS3 for next Christmas when some of their better games are going to come out. Then you get the best of both worlds.
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