That is complete BS cause I know for a fact they pay for shipping and handling.
As far as I know he didn't get reimbersed for shipping the console to microsoft.
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That is complete BS cause I know for a fact they pay for shipping and handling.
As far as I know he didn't get reimbersed for shipping the console to microsoft.
Next gen will be MS's last console cycle. They're going to jump the gun and release a new console in 4 or 5 years. Nintendo and Sony will laugh as they watch the Xbox720 become the new dreamcast.
This is fact.
[QUOTE="megaton3k"]I think its safer on the PS3 ship. If I jumped on to the Xbox ship, I might go down with the RRoD.
You know they have a warranty for that right?
I have a friend who has gotten five RROD's. Everytime he's had to pay for shipping and wait 2 months to get his 360 back.
[QUOTE="thegoldenpoo"]why would i be joking? alot of fence sitters who have been waiting to go next gen have been putt off the ps3 by its poor showing of exclusive content. a ps3 owner probably won't buy a 360aswel but as a first decision the whole FF13 thing will hurt sony in terms of those choosing a next gen system.
You act as if the game is exclusive to the 360 or something. The game is multiplatform and even if it does hurt Sony in some potential buyers, there are still some people who are gonna look at the lineup of games around Final Fantasy XIII (who knows when its coming out).
Say I want God of War III, Infamous, Killzone II, and Little Big Planet. I would then choose a PS3. Vice Versa for the 360 also. If I want Gears II, Final Fantasy XIII, Star Ocean 4 ,and Fable II then im gonna choose a 360. Its as simple as that.
I don't think that the multiplatform FFXIII thing will hurt Sony much at all. I know a lot of FF fanboys who are also big MGS fans because of MGS's complex storyline. And most of my FF friends started buying PS3's back in June, so it's not really even an option for them anymore. FFXIII is a lot of wasted money on MS's part if you ask me.
[QUOTE="GTASA_Cartel"]I just read the link you provided and that person is not "jumping ship", they're investing in a second console. They're still PS3 gamers. 360 gamers should consider getting a PS3.TriggerheartEx
Obviously you can't read.
Please be more specific. In that thread he stated that he infact owned a PS3 and was quite happy with it, but was getting a 360 for the exclusives, a lot like me. Thats not jumping ship, jumping ship would mean to sell your PS3 to get a 360. Buying a 360 does not mean your a MS fanboy. I'll still be a Sony fanboy till the day I die.
Well the June sales figures that GS posted showed that the PS3 was outselling the 360 2/1. This obviously has something to do with MGS4, but it's still a big deal. I'm not jumping ship and will shoot anybody who tries, but I am starting to shop around for a Core because I want to play Gears2 and a few other 360 games coming out.
Gears 2 will end up on the PC
He's talking console exclusive. Besides Gears was a timed exclusive.
I think that both GTAIV and MGS4 deserved very high scores, but not 10s. I'm a sony/MGS fanboy but I think GS felt an obligation to give MGS4 a 10 because of GTAIV's perfect score (which probably had something to do with the advertising they spent here on GS)
I don't think it'll happen. GS is probably going to start restricting the perfect scores again, Gamespot enjoys it's status as one of the toughest review sites, they'll lose that reputation if they keep handing out 10s.
But Gears2 has the best chance.
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