As the inevitable PS3 launch dawns on us, i continue to read message boards and continue to wonder
One person was complaining that a lot of people posting in the PS3 message boards are merely fence sitters
"OMG, what if the PS3 does ...."
"Is the PS3 really worth ...."
"How is PS3 better than 360...."
and i've gotta say, that as irritating as it is, its foolish to simply dive into uncertain territory
i've never had any problems with Sony. i got a lot more use out of my PS2 than i did my Xbox (i only used that for Halo)
but let's be honest, i'm not going to invest upwards of 700 CAD in a system that might be squashed in the first few months
there's nothing more important than quality software, and a large majority of that is 3rd party support
if the PS3 does not take off, 3rd party support will dwindle and all that i'll be left with is a gargantuan paperweight
i can't afford that kind of mistake
i'm also extremely reluctant to invest in a 360
if the HD-DVD format becomes obsolete, i'll be forced to buy a Blu-ray player to enjoy my HD movies
i have no loyalties to any company
it's all just business anyways
some moron posted:
"buy a PS3 and a hardworking american loses his job."
well **** that
this is a global economy. I dont buy GMC's, i buy Toyota
i shouldnt have bought an xbox, but maybe in this case i'll have to side with the 360
we'll see...... either way, i won't be getting first gen PS3s anyways... they'll be full glitches that testers typically ignore (to speed up production) or simply miss
i'll wait 'til February to decide
but damn... Gears of War does look good...
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