Wait, you complain about restarting all over from the stage if you loose all your lives? NES games where notorious for that, and that's what makes this game challenging, in a good way. The concept here is to bring the classic elements from the original game, and remaster it....duh!
@gpm23 It is true that on the XBOX 360 you can watch DVDs, listen to music, and watch netflix. I like those features. However, those are small features, because the XBOX 360 is still a gaming console to its core. When you stray away from the main purpose of a device, then that´s when it hits the fan. I don´t mind if the XBOX One has SMALL features, as long it is still a gaming console to it´s core!
My view is because of the message that Microsoft sent out to other people. Where are the game footages? Why was Microsoft more focused on the features of what the XBOX One can do with your cable, and why just show a video trailer of call of duty ghosts during their pre E3 conference? When you ask yourself those questions, it´s then that MS made themself look bad because of how they spoke to the public. If MS would have focused more on gaming then just the other features, and not put those terrible features, then I would be down with it.
True, they did put out some info about gaming features, but I don´t think it was enough. When you want to sell a product, communication is priority one. Their Diplomacy roll was a critical fail.
I have a XBOX 360, and no, I am not happy with what direction the MS went with the XBOX One. MS. I don´t want a multi media console! I just want a simple GAMING Console!
@nemesys06 And that's why I have a android tablet, and I agree. There could have been another way to handle it, but they way they tried to convince us? They really botched it up.
@SoulxReaperx366 Nah, they are implementing it. If you are a Gold Live Member, you get the game for free. They started with Fable III, and as of this writing, Defense Grid. There should be a list somewhere of what games for Gold Member is being released.
I am confused with the part they say Essentially, it was Steam for Xbox. I have a steam account service, and I remember that steam can be used OFFLINE, and it doesn't require a mandatory 24 hour check up. That statement is completely INACCURATE.
I like my 360, but after hearing about these restrictions, and then lifting them, I am not sure if I want a XBOX One. What if six months later after the release, they decide to implement those hellish restrictions? Talk about the ultimate trollers...
GYIYGABITE's comments