Okay here is my idea keep in mind that i wrote this about a year ago, when i first saw the afrika trailer. It came as an idea of what that game might be.
Game title:something that has to do with hunting lol
What i was thinking of would be a sort of hunting game. It would be both multiplayer and single player. It could even be an MMO. I'm not really sure how the game would start(didnt think about it) but you start out in a third world country, like Africa. You will choose what you want to be, Hunter or Photographer. You will be able to fully customize your character from nose width to hair color and all that other stuff.
Hunter:As a hunter you are just that, a hunter.In single player you will either get orders from police in the town or from poor villagers. The police will maybe hire you to kill a dangerous animal like a lion that is threating the town. The villagers might need you to get them a certain piece of an animal or some other random things. You can also decide to go out to the Wild and just explore if you want. There will be a lot of animals and things scattered around. But there will also be other hunters who might think you are after the same thing so they may wanna kill you.But you can also join a hunting group and get access to specific weapons that they have. There will be certain vehicles that you will be able to drive and some that are exclusive to "hunting groups". You can also hunt a certain animal and sell it to villages or towns. Say maybe they need deer skin or something to make clothes or to build a hut. You can kill a deer and offer it to them for a price. There would be atleast 20 different weapons.Ranging from pistol to rifles,sniper rifles, arrows,spears, or even a torch on fire. Now that i think about it the game would be a lot like Oblivion, where you can just explore, do a main quest, do side quests, or join guilds.Also this game would be awesome if it was intergrated to Home, like when you kill a really rare animal you will get a trophy or shirt or maybe even furniture.
Photographer: This mode im not so sure of. Basically you will be a photographer for a magazine or news agency.(this is what rumors say Afrika is about) You have to take pictures of important events that happen or of a certain animal for a news article. and you would get payed for every picture you take and the quality of the picture. As with Hunter mode this would also be cool if it was intergrated with home, maybe pictures that were taken that you liked could get saved to your hard drive and then be put up as a frame in your Home.
Online Version:I also thought that it could be an Online mode with the same premise, just that you are obviously playing with human characters. There would be different modes, and different ways to set up a game. The objectiv of One of the modes i thought of was to find a certain species of animal and kill it first. There would be vehicles scattered around the map and guns too. So who ever kills the animal first win, but you can also kill the person who is about to kill the animal. There could also be a sort of survival mode where you have to survive a cetain amount of time with out being killed by dangerous animals. You can play in teams and every animal you kill gets you points based on how rare they are. At the end the team with more points win.This could also be intergrated into home aswell getting trophies for most kills and all that.
This was an idea i had, please comment if you liked it or if you tink it would make a good game.
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