As the title says Beatle mania has struck! I'm now pretty much obssessed with The Beatles.It all started thanks to the movie Across The Universe.Which i totally recommend to everyone.Absolutely amazing movie.After watching that movie i started liking the songs in the movie.But i got really interested in the history of the beatles and all their other songs. Now i like alot more of their songs, i remember when i use to think why the hell do people like the beatles that much.Now that i listen to them, wow, i understand.All their songs are basically perfect.Or at least all the ones ive heard.
As the title also says i just got a brand new Ipod nano. I wasnt sure about it, since i dont like the new nano as much as the old one.But now that i have it , im pleased with it lol.So far i have i have like 681 songs.And one video. :/ screens too small.
the two songs im listening to the most right now:
All my loving