@bjg18605 Now I see what you mean by saying he didn't shoot through cover. Thank you. After writing that, I played the demo, and I can say you're right. I liked the atmosphere and the storyline, the gameplay is also good, although I wished the guy had more freedom of movement. Being only able to do some actions when prompted by the game sucks (like when you have to drop to a floor below, you can only do so when you're in the place the game wants you to be).
Now that I played the demo, I can say this isn't a very good game. Regarding gameplay, there are lots of games with a better one, like Max Payne 3, Ghost Recon Future Soldier. The graphics aren't all that bad, but still are very inferior to some games. O thing that bothered me is the fact that you can't drop to a below floor unless the game tells you to press the corresponding button. You can be standing at the edge of a cliff, your objective is down below, but you can't jump down unless you go to the place of the edge the that game wants you to go, only then the command to jump down will become available. Oh, and if you scare easily, this game's not for you. During it's trailer, displayed at the end, there are some gruesome scenes featuring tortured and executed soldiers
I'm not very sure about this game. I like games with good storylines, but a good gameplay is also important. Unfortunately, this one seems to lack a good gameplay. Has anyone noticed that the guy shot THROUGH the cover in the 1:09 minute of the third video?
Another thing that bothers me is the fact that the violence of some games is realy uncomfortable. What's the point in ripping an elephant-man's brain? In persuading the indocrinated villain to commit suicide? In portraying the bullet holes in a man's body? In showing a recently blown up man crawling desperately while a bald man points a gun to his head? These scenes don't make the games great. What the developers need to understand is that violence does not make their games mature. A mature theme is not one that has an abundance of violence and sex. Look at Shakespeare's classic play, Hamlet. It wasn't the final duel that made this play so beloved, it was the maturity of it's themes, like the regicide, the human psychological doubts and the intelligence of the story.
I agree with Warren Spector. I don't want to sound old fashioned or radical, but the way games developers are using violence, like it was the only thing that would make their games sell is saddening. Apparently, creativity has given room to violence. Where are the immortal classics like Monkey Island, Day of the Tentacle, Full Throttle or even the first Tomb Raiders?
@chilly-chill I agree with you. Although I forgot to write it, one of the things that bothered me most was the fact that a 100% paragon character like mine wasn't able to achieve an ending in which my good choices led to a BIG impact on the game, not just some more war assets. This is why I wanted a Uncharted like ending.
I would like a DLC in which you help Aria retake Omega and in the end you have an epic battle with Harbinger. Then Shepard thanks his/her crew for their loyalty and marries his/her love interest. A happy ending, for sure, but at least it gives you a greater sense of victory than the original one.
Although I'm not a big fan of the first games, this one looks promissing. The no need for thermal energy to survive is big huge giant step forward to the series.
I just wished to know more about the guy who gives Corvo his powers. I know he's called the Outsider and that he's some kind of deity in the city. I found him too creepy to be an ally, I guess he's involved somehow in Corvo's imprisonment and the Empress murder.
@WoZe Although I'm not from Canada (I am a brazilian with british origins) I must agree with you. Not only the games I listed are from Canada, but Deus Ex Human Revolution, another game I like, was made by Eidos Montreal, also from Canada. Besides that, I have a great simpathy for Canada. Different from here in Brazil, the law there works and it's followed, wished the brazilian politics spent some time there, to learn how to rule a country.
GabrielAlmeida7's comments