Gage159 / Member

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OMG, damn you Anima damn you. 18/03/06

OMFG Yesterday i played final fantasy X for about seven hours straight. I started playing from the bit where sin kills loads of Yevon and al bhed at a beach, id got to where your at this temple and you have to defeat Seymour because you see the sphere with his father saying hes gonna kill everyone. So i was killing him just fine, i summoned cause the guards were annoying me. I killed them with Ixions overdrive, then Seymour summoned anima! I was like omg ah! So i used magic with Lulu and just tried as much a s possible, i was being thrashed at the time but thought i have enough potions i can heal. When Anima used its overdrive and killed all my players! I was like, well that was a waste of seven hours. I saved in the temple so i cant train Yuna up which is annoying so now i have to get all my players up to a ridiculously high level just have a chance at merely beating Anima. AH!

Well, FF12. 17/03/07

Well I’m thinking of buying Ff12, I’ve been told it’s a good game but you know I have my doubts. The battle settings has this got better, is it more convenient/fun running around and attacking or is the good old fashioned turn based melee better. Ah well I’m definitely buying the new Naruto game out. Can anyone give me their opinions on Ff12? Please it would be appreciated.

Farewell xXx