Gage159 / Member

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OMG, damn you Anima damn you. 18/03/06

OMFG Yesterday i played final fantasy X for about seven hours straight. I started playing from the bit where sin kills loads of Yevon and al bhed at a beach, id got to where your at this temple and you have to defeat Seymour because you see the sphere with his father saying hes gonna kill everyone. So i was killing him just fine, i summoned cause the guards were annoying me. I killed them with Ixions overdrive, then Seymour summoned anima! I was like omg ah! So i used magic with Lulu and just tried as much a s possible, i was being thrashed at the time but thought i have enough potions i can heal. When Anima used its overdrive and killed all my players! I was like, well that was a waste of seven hours. I saved in the temple so i cant train Yuna up which is annoying so now i have to get all my players up to a ridiculously high level just have a chance at merely beating Anima. AH!