So I downloaded the F.E.A.R. expansion demo and it's pretty damn fun. I guess I'd forgotten exactly how much I liked that game. If I haven't mentioned before - IT WAS FRIGGEN AWESOME!
Nothing is scarier than a creepy, anemic, 9-year-old girl.
And then it turns out she's a creepy, anemic, teenager. Yeesh. Man-o-man, when that vault door thing opened up I openly admit I was twitching in fear. All I wanted to do right at that moment was crawl underneath my care bear comforter and read Tintin comics. But alas, no... the gamer in me knew that I had to see this through, so I double-checked the 9mm mag and went on my merry way.
Such a good game. The perfect balance of gunplay, story, and sheer terror.
Ahhh... pleasant System Shock 2 memories.
Go out there and download the demo. Fun stuff.
Anyway... good hunting, all.
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