Gallego's super long blog!
by Gallego on Comments
Recently, it was brought to my attention that I make short blog...posts. So, since I like to please's a long about 5 random facts you need to know about me. You need to know them because you never know when any of these facts will appear in a game show were your life is at stake :) 1. Cubans are known for being good at baseball. Well I'm not all! Infact, I suck! 2. I hate smoking, but I do occasionally have a few victory cigars stored for those moments were smoking a Cuban cigar is necessary ^_^ 3. I love rhythm games. Challenge me if you dare ^_^ 4. I have the world in my hands! Literally! I have a paper holder that is a globe of the world. So this means that all your bases are belong to me! :twisted: 5. I love football. No, not American Football, real football. I'm not taging no one cause this is not one of those "I got tagged now I got no choice but to do this even though no one is forcing me" blogs :P alright...maybe not that long of a blog :P G