Galliant12's forum posts
Yes you are a lil crazy but not because of the amount of games you have, but rather the amount a crap games you have. Barrel blast? Proving Ground? Brunswick Bowling? Rampage?! *Slaps Awptimistic*Duckman5
*Slaps Awptimistic* holy crap, i probably shouldnt draw attention to it, but thats fricken hilarious.
yea blue panda u are so rude how can u say such a thing u jerk, saying millions of people have made marios, u definatley need to be punished :PWPBBALLER
I second this, Blue Panda your a monster!
Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Animal Crossing Wii
Mario Kart Wii
Endless Ocean
Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity
Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law
Bully: Scholarship Edition
Bomberman Land
No More Heroes
Space Station Tycoon
Mushroom Men
so basically ssbb and mario kart wii?
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