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The Chosen Twelve -- October 2008

October usually signifies the start of the time where all the enthusiast gamers most anticipated games release. However, and with much surprise to this writer, there are some excellent games that came out that nearly anyone can get a hold of and enjoy.

Here are the requirements for representation on the Chosen Twelve:

1. Quality has to be high enough to recommend a must-play or must purchase

2. Game has to have a defining feature that can be easily described (ex. difficult, easy to learn)

3. Game, above all else, can be tried by a broad audience without being overly convoluted and complicated.

4. Game, preferably, has to be a new property or bring something new or fresh into other games. Or, it can be a game that was missed previously.

Let's start with what seems to be the best place for original content on a downloadable console: WiiWare. WiiWare has been home to the Nintendo created Art Style series and have since grown a niche following with the Wii crowd with their games of simplicity and fun. The latest, CUBELLO and ROTOHEX, continue the trend.

CUBELLO has you matching four blocks that come together on a consistently spinning 3D cube. Physics also play a part in this game, so players need to keep on their toes to get through each level. ROTOHEX takes the same "match color" formula, but has you making Hexagons of the same color. Again, the game looks and plays very simply, but it still keeps your attention for what can be hour long stretches.Both games are 600 Wii Points.

Next on the WiiWare front is Tetris Party, which might possibly be the most robust and enjoyable Tetris to come on any system in years. The game let's you play a classic game of Tetris...or multiple variations. Games like Field Climber, where you guide a person from the bottom to top using shapes, or Balance Board Tetris makes this game different but still familiar from the moment you start playing. This game costs 1,200 Wii Points.

Finally, on WiiWare, there's World of Goo. This bridge building simulator comes pack with some of the most artistically colorful stages concieved on a downloadable game. On top of that, the physics are spot on, with all the different types of goo you can use to create your big towers or pathways to the end. This beautiful, addictive and difficult puzzle game can be found on Wii for 1,500 pts or on Steam for $19.99.

Now, onto what has come out on disc-based format. Since 2007, one game has captured the attention of not only PS3 owners, but gamers all around. That game is LittleBigPlanet. Not only is LBP a fantastically creative game with colorful levels and creative level design, it is also one of the most fully realized community games to ever be released on a console. The create-a-level maker is easily one of the most powerful gaming tools to be given on any game, and the fact that you can customize anything in your game, from your avatar to your world hub. LittleBigPlanet on the PS3 will set you down $59.99.

Finally, there's Fable II. Now, RPG's aren't the most accessable games, but Fable II is surely the exception to the rule. SImple but deep combat, followed by a hilarious conversation system and a fully realized world with incredible art direction and sound balance this game out to be an RPG that nearly anyone can get their hands on and enjoy. Fable II on the XBOX 360 will cost you $59.99.

Fable II

Developed by: Lionhead Studios

Published by: Microsoft Game Studios

LittleBigPlanet is a phenomenal game that may very well be one of the best games of this year, if not the best. However, I really need to give major props to Peter Molyneux and Lionhead Studios, who create what may very well be one of the deepest but most accessable RPG's ever created. The simple controls really give headway to some of the deep elements of the game that hides itself in accessabliity.

As for right now, here are the members of the Chosen Twelve:

Rez HD
Professor Layton and the Curious Village
Mystery Dungeon: Shiren the Wanderer
The World Ends WIth You
Boom Blox
Space Invaders Extreme
Civilization Revolution
Castle Crashers
Fable II

Two months to go before The One That Plays Them All is chosen for the best game with the most accessability. Hope to hear your comments and suggestions soon!