Like a megaton atomic bomb set off into a crowded city, Grand Theft Auto IV blows everything out into the distance leaving other games fledgling for crumbs to snack on. However, don't be fooled: There are still some quality titles digging into in the month of May. Here are the list of games being released this month.
May 6
R-Type Command (PSP)
Boom Blox (Wii)
Scarce the releases may be, but the untouched systems from last week get some key releases. R-Type Command takes the classic series in a new direction: as a tactical, turnbased RPG. The game doesn't speed up action either: the demo shows a game that is slow and very technical. Download the demo to see for yourself. Boom Blox, however, goes the complete opposite route: your objective is to destroy blocks and that is it. However, key enthusiast sites, such as IGN and 1UP, have been praising this game for it's multiplayer and unique concepts.
May 13
We Ski (Wii)
Assault Heroes 2 (XBLA)
Why this game is being released BEFORE Wii Fit is beyond me. However, We Ski uses the balance board to keep balance while you slope through the alpines, traversing a bunch of different hills and jumps. It's rare that an XBLA game gets to be called a notable release, but Assualt Heroes 2 is no standard XBLA game. The sequel takes everything about the original Ikari Warriors in a tank game and makes it bigger and flashier.
May 20
Wii Fit (Wii)
Haze (PS3)
Blast Works: Build, Create, Destroy (Wii)
UEFA Euro 2008 (PS3, X360)
Bionic Commando: Rearmed (XBLA, PSN)
Get off your ass and burn some calories! With the release of Wii Fit and the Wii Balance Board accessory, yogaholics can get a new, fresh way of doing your pilates and stretches. It could even take less physically inept people (such as myself) to work their butts off a little bit. Haze is also released for the PS3. Haze's pedigree (the game was created by Free Radical Designs, makers of Timesplitters) seems to be more apparent than how the game itself is, but the screens and videos have shown a possible quality title for the PS3. Blast Works: Build, Create, Destroy goes the create a world route and lets you create levels and ships with the parts you obtain in the main game. UEFA Euro 2008 may be FIFA 2008.5 to some people, but to hardcore football fans it is a way to experience some of the most exciting football ever witnessed. Improvements on the FIFA 08 engine are here, as well as a more robust Be A Pro mode that will surely keep header fans busy. Lastly, in this big week, comes the retro remake Bionic Commando: Rearmed. Those of you who loved the original (which there seems to be many) will appreciate the remake with a co-op mode for the entire game.
May 27
Hail to the Chimp (X360, PS3)
Lost Planet: Extreme Conditions Colonies (X360)
Super Dodgeball Brawlers (DS)
Gamecock's landmark title, Hail to the Chimp uses primates and political humor as the base of their minigame collections. The re-release of the big surprise hit of 2007 Lost Planet: Extreme Conditions, Colonies adds more missions and multiplayer modes into the new edition of the game. Finally, Super Dodgeball Brawlers takes the classic Super Dodgeball game and throws it onto the DS