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The Obligatory "What I'm Playing" Blog Post: PSP, I didn't know thee

The past few weeks have been quite different compared to others. I've felt more compelled to pick up a portable system than to play on my console. What makes this even more jarring is the fact that it's a PSP, which may have more to do with the recent sales on Playstation Network than anything else.

So, let's get on with the post:

- First, the console games. My girlfriend SassyCC got me for Valentine's Day "Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds" for Xbox 360. Before it was released, my excitement level for the game was on a medium scale, mainly due to the fact that the game got popular when it was on Dreamcast and I only got one of those about 2 years ago. So, I never had those ultra competitive great time memories that most seem to have in fondness with the game.

So, I put in MvC3 and the first thing that stands out for meis the way the game looks. The inky comic book aesthetic is put into great use to give the characters a certain pop that sticks out in contrast to the usually busy backgrounds.

The next thing I notice is how obscenely powerful Dante is in this game. I mean &^$# REALLY?! Go against one person who can perform his Super move 3 times in a row without stopping and you'll scream and curse at the screen to no end.

Also, why is Phoenix so incredibly weak? Yes, yes, I know about the whole "If you have 5 super bars, you can be Dark Phoenix!" But even then she is still completely underpowered. It's kinda like someone at Capcom forgot about the "Dan" character, but accidentally put his profile on the Phoenix.

Which brings about another question that just dawned on "Dan"?! No joke characters? No self references to obscure Capcom games? Marvel's side is way more interesting that Capcom, which isn't saying much either since the "interesting" characters is M.O.D.O.K. and some kinda neat costume changes. My gut feeling is DLC will flesh out some more of the crazier characters, which honestly would suck.

Definitely will have a review up as soon as possible.

- Let's keep this next one quick, shall we? Test Drive Unlimited 2. The game feels relatively unchanged from the first Test Drive Unlimited, which isn't a bad thing...if the year was 2007. You see, for a game to still feel like an open world racing game from nearly half a decade ago, it just doesn't sound very appealing.

First off, the cars and character models look very plastic like and terribly artificial. Next, the driving and hit detection is quite bad, especially with a masterful open world racing game like Burnout Paradise out there available for just $20.

I could go on, but the short of it is to pretty much avoid this abhorrent racer. yourself a favor.

- Finally, there is You Don't Know Jack. The best news I can give anyone is that it is You Don't Know Jack. If that means nothing to you, don't like trivia games or don't like the series itself, then you already don't care.

$30 for this game is a steal, and if you have friends who love trivia games it's one of the best games to play.

Alrighty, so let's get to the main crux of what I've been playing: PSP games.

Let's get started with:

- Knights of the Nightmare: This game came out on DS last year and was released on PSP this year and was largely ignored. The game is a blend of shoot-em-up, strategy RPG and puzzle, which I could spend two whole blog posts explaining but I'd recommend that if you're a fan of strategy RPG's with a different kind of twist, you should definitely read up on Knights of the Nightmare to find out if you can grasp and enjoy this game.

As for the game itself, I only played so much of this on PSP and thus far, it looks a lot better but plays a bit differently than the DS. Whether I prefer either depends on how far I get in the game, but I still think it's a game people should experience.

- Hot Shots Tennis: Get A Grip:The PS2 game was disappointing to say the least. But, Hot Shots has grown quite a fan base on the PSP with its easy to learn controls and tight, wonderful visuals. Thankfully, Get a Grip! doesn't disappoint when it comes to the mechanics. Only...without a friend to play, the game does get old quick. A quick Gamefly rental was all I needed to go through as much of the game I felt necessary and put it away for good.

- Persona 3 Portable: If you've played the PS2 one to death, you might as well skip, unless you're dying to play as a female. That said, this might be the best RPG on the system, even with a few things missing in the game. If you got it for $20, it's an absolute steal. If not, I might just say $40 for this quality of RPG is still well worth the price.

- Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together: Even with playing a little of the game as of right now, the quality of the SRPG is very much apparent. Can't wait to dive in more to this game to find more of the story and the depth of the game.

- Cladun: This is an RPG!: I took a chance and purchased this game for $20 on PSN and I have to say it was well worth the risk. For those who don't know what ClaDun is, and I wouldn't blame you if you didn't: ClaDun is a Classic Dungeon hack and slash game.

Although it is a simple hack and slash game, there is a ton of hidden depth when it comes to using Magic Circles and Abilities. In the game, you befriend and create different characters with different classes. You control the main character, who could be anyone from your party. However, to become stronger, you put the other characters in Sub circles in your Magic Circle, so you can level up your characters as well as your sub characters.

The Magic Circle concept is simple at first but once you start leveling up and getting different circles with different effects and changes, you'll be surprised by the depth in the game.

Like most Nippon Ichi games, there is a certain type of charm to the game that drenches itself in the title, so if you like a lot of self references and a story that doesn't take itself seriously, you'll definitely get a kick out of this game.

And that does it. Bulletstorm, Killzone 3 and MLB 11 will be on my list as well as Fight Night Champion.

I also strongly suggest anyone to take a chance on ClaDun if you haven't heard of it or if it sounds interesting, because it definitely was worth the risk to try it out.