[QUOTE="irish4eva"]224 games aint enough now?:Oston3henge
Lawd you just dont get it do you ? with a revamped PSN/PSP store all the NEW UMD games should be up if not for the regular PSP owners then atleast for the Go owners.
Where are all these 2009 titles that are released on UMD.
Star Ocean: Second Evolution
Hammerin' Hero
Dissidia Final Fantasy
Dynasty Warriors: Strikeforce
MLB 09: The Show
Samurai Shodown Anthology
Crimson Gem Saga
Phantasy Star Portable
Tenchu: Shadow Assassins
Class of Heroes
Mytran Wars
Pangya: Fantasy Golf
Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings
Naruto Shippuden: Legends: Akatsuki Rising
Undead Knights
Obscure: The Aftermath
CID The Dummy
Warriors Orochi 2
Disgaea 2: Dark Hero Days
Isn't this an issue with digital rights, and that Sony has very little control over these third-party games in that sense? I've seen it explained before but I didn't take notes.
Seriously, I don't understand the anger at Sony or the hardware they have produced. Sony has put up several hundred games for download, and more will come. There will be a day where everyone laughs at these early days of poor supply vs. demand... I understand that not being able to get a few titles is frustrating, but isn't there something that's been issued which would hold your attention until "Dissidia" is released? Sony probably has to iron out a whole bunch of garbage in order to satisfy Squenix' legal needs and cut of the profit. Sony has already made mistakes like the "Undead Knight" demo snafu, probably because someone rushed or was not paying attention, and they accidentally gave away lots of full copies of the game. LOTS of copies.
Can you imagine what would happen if that were a super-popular title like "Dissidia"? It would be disasterous for Sony. They can't run before they learn how to walk, friends. You Go owners are the pilgrims, the early adopters... this happens to just about everyone who jumps on a new platform.
Show a little faith in the money you've spent... things will get better. If you don't like that approach, perhaps petition Sony directly. But popping a cork here on GameSpot is going to have very little effect on Sony. Start an online petition, perhaps. There are sites for that, and you may develop the momentum you desire in terms of motivating the corporation in your direction.
This is all fine and dandy, however, digital distrbution rights aside, we've already been told (by Sony, no less, in their list of PSP Go promises pre-launch, some of which they have already failed upon)that all PSP releases post Go Launch would be both digital and UMD, aside from select titles that will be UMD only and never see a digital release and digital only releases that will never see UMD release. But that would lead any PSP Go owner to reasonably assume that most major future releases would be available onPSN the week they are released. That would lead me to believe that digital ditribution rights have been secured with MOST companies.
This is not to mention that Dissidia was already reported to be "digital" ready long before it's launch. And now we're in week 2 of the PSP Go and they've failed to deliver yet again with a title, and a few others to boot, that should have been on the storeon the 1st of October. So really, tell me again whose failing to deliver?
I'll answer for you. Sony.
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