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#1 Gambitcrawfish
Member since 2003 • 131 Posts

Wait, so they gave a similar score to a game that was pretty much a direct port with some fancier graphics and a few extra perk features?

Say it isn't so! I mean, the audacity to bring a game to TWO different systems...and give it similar scores...why, it's like what if they made a game for both360 and PS3! They deserve the same score? BALDERDASH I CRY! BALDERDASH!

Shame on Gamespot and shame on Rockstar! Clearly bringing the game to a wider audience is monumental mistake! THIS GAME DESERVES A 3!

Maybe a 3.5...

Maybe. If that much...

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#2 Gambitcrawfish
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Heya Monkey... read my post again, I asked with all reverance because I honestly could not find the facts and I wished to be enlightened, not to take a pot-shot at someone or be argumentative. I am not arguing with Go owners, I'm simply asking questions which others might have more informed answers to than I.

My point was whether or not Sony had indeed put specific dates on bigger titles like the FF games... if that was the case then yes, I would be ticked too... but if not, then I'm sure as a Go owner you might agree that a bit of patience is a good thing. Sony isn't trying to rip anyone off, and I'm sure they don't want to offend their user-base... I just think it's harsh how so many people are so quick to remove their nose just to spite their face. Even though I don't personally want to buy one anymore, I still believe that this model is the future of gaming (downloading instead of hard-copy of games)...

I think you as a consumer have a right to raise an eyebrow, but I also think that if you let the song play out you'll dig the dance eventually. As I think I've posted before, in a room full of horse-poop, you gotta keep lookin' for the pony. For this platform to succeed, there needs to be a little optomism.


And I think it's funny as the day is long that they issued "REEL Fishing: The Great Outdoors"... I might even buy a Go now!!! That's really cool... more than a few titles I have put up on wish lists here have come to fruition... like "Fishing" and the PS1 title "PANDEMONIUM!" which is one of the finest platformers EVER.

Monkey I'm all about the peace & love lately... the mods gave me a five-day time-out for my last early morning rant and I've learned to be a good little Ston3.


No disrespect to anyone concerning my commentary on the issue, I just see a brighter future than a lot of Go owners do, currently... but I'm sure if those folks stay the course, they will find that pony eventually.


That's all fine and dandy. But, that sounds alot like Sony's approach to the PSP Go and the PSN store. "Just be patient. Just give it time dudes! You'll learn to love it!"

Honestly? No. Whether or not it's the "future of digital gaming" is really a moot point since the iPhone already has that cornered. Sony is coming a bit late in the game on this one and they HAVE to get on the ball. Consumers aren't going to make the Go succeed or fail. Sony has that power alone here by either their diligence in updating the PSN withan impressive catalogue, or complete lack of "go get em tiger" attitude. They need to be aggressive with their catalogue now.

I imagine Go owners are very optimistic. I know I am and continue to be. However, we also set our expectations very high on what we consider "bleeding edge" digital gaming technology. The technology has been there. The games have been there. The US EU AUSPSN's have been there and still we're dozens of titles behind the JPSN. And as I said before, Dissidia was designed with digital distribution in mind, but where is it? They've had these grand dreams of this all digital device for a while now. The thing has been in concept for well over a year now as it was leaked at the beginning of calendar 09. You're telling me they didn't plan any better for this than "Well, we'll figure it out as we go along."? Seriously, screw Sony to hell if that's the best they can do. Digital distribution should have been figured out by now. I can count on one hand how many "best-selling" titles are on the PSN for PSPright now. It's seriously pathetic. There's a WEALTH of backcatalogue PSX games out there and some of the biggest ones we haven't even heard word one about!

Either way, I really hope Sony has some decent PSN suprises in for PSP Go owners because so far the current outlook doesn't necessarily suck, but it sure is cloudy and I don't see many ponies in this fog of confusion.

If I were a good company, you know, like Sony? I'd at least go "Hey guys, we know the last few updates haven't been what they could have been, and we're sorry about the delay of some great PSP titles, but we promise, things are coming along. There's some great updates coming. We promise you'll be glad you bought your Go."

That would make me feel a ton better. But do they think like a consumer? No. Dollar sign, bottom line.

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#3 Gambitcrawfish
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[QUOTE="irish4eva"]224 games aint enough now?:Oston3henge

Lawd you just dont get it do you ? with a revamped PSN/PSP store all the NEW UMD games should be up if not for the regular PSP owners then atleast for the Go owners.

Where are all these 2009 titles that are released on UMD.


Star Ocean: Second Evolution

Hammerin' Hero

Dissidia Final Fantasy

Dynasty Warriors: Strikeforce

MLB 09: The Show

Samurai Shodown Anthology

Crimson Gem Saga

Phantasy Star Portable

Tenchu: Shadow Assassins

Class of Heroes

Mytran Wars

Pangya: Fantasy Golf

Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings

Naruto Shippuden: Legends: Akatsuki Rising

Undead Knights

Obscure: The Aftermath

CID The Dummy

Warriors Orochi 2

Disgaea 2: Dark Hero Days



Isn't this an issue with digital rights, and that Sony has very little control over these third-party games in that sense? I've seen it explained before but I didn't take notes.

Seriously, I don't understand the anger at Sony or the hardware they have produced. Sony has put up several hundred games for download, and more will come. There will be a day where everyone laughs at these early days of poor supply vs. demand... I understand that not being able to get a few titles is frustrating, but isn't there something that's been issued which would hold your attention until "Dissidia" is released? Sony probably has to iron out a whole bunch of garbage in order to satisfy Squenix' legal needs and cut of the profit. Sony has already made mistakes like the "Undead Knight" demo snafu, probably because someone rushed or was not paying attention, and they accidentally gave away lots of full copies of the game. LOTS of copies.

Can you imagine what would happen if that were a super-popular title like "Dissidia"? It would be disasterous for Sony. They can't run before they learn how to walk, friends. You Go owners are the pilgrims, the early adopters... this happens to just about everyone who jumps on a new platform.

Show a little faith in the money you've spent... things will get better. If you don't like that approach, perhaps petition Sony directly. But popping a cork here on GameSpot is going to have very little effect on Sony. Start an online petition, perhaps. There are sites for that, and you may develop the momentum you desire in terms of motivating the corporation in your direction.

This is all fine and dandy, however, digital distrbution rights aside, we've already been told (by Sony, no less, in their list of PSP Go promises pre-launch, some of which they have already failed upon)that all PSP releases post Go Launch would be both digital and UMD, aside from select titles that will be UMD only and never see a digital release and digital only releases that will never see UMD release. But that would lead any PSP Go owner to reasonably assume that most major future releases would be available onPSN the week they are released. That would lead me to believe that digital ditribution rights have been secured with MOST companies.

This is not to mention that Dissidia was already reported to be "digital" ready long before it's launch. And now we're in week 2 of the PSP Go and they've failed to deliver yet again with a title, and a few others to boot, that should have been on the storeon the 1st of October. So really, tell me again whose failing to deliver?

I'll answer for you. Sony.

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#4 Gambitcrawfish
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#5 Gambitcrawfish
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I'm really happy with what's available right now. I think there is a lot of overreacting going on. I know people think Sony has nothing ele to do other then make you personally happy all the time. But the truth is Sony has the U.S. and European market to manage, so their focus has to be here and there at different times. They have to rip games and convert them. They have to hold meetings and make decisions on what games hold what priorites. In short, they have a business to run, and Sony is doing what they can. You think Sony doesn't want to make more money!? I think the PSPgo launched with great titles. This is just one weekend. Calm down, play what you have, and wait to see what comes out in the near future, instead of throwing a tantrum about every little thing you think Sony can do to make your personal life better.

I'm not arguing Sony's "intention to make customers happy", which while we're on the topic, to those that know anything about Sony, know that's just a complete marketing lie. Company of Disappointments really. They are NOTORIOUS for having great ideas and abandoning them almost 100% when the sales don't match what they over-expect, even if the product is phenomenal. Go on, ask them how Vanguard: Saga of Heroes is doing. In fact, if you generally want your MMO to fail, all you have to do is have Sony publish and market it. Not the point. I know it's a rant, but whatever. The point is, you, nor anyone else can tell me the decision to follow up the launch of a phenomenal system with next to nothing of current PSP titles was a good decision. Go hopeful buyers already have two huge reasons to be disappointed: lack of promised PSN catalogue and the decision to abandon current PSP users by making UMD games non-transferrable. In my opinion, Sony should be everything possible to try to make the PSP Go post-launch a huge success in a lackluster gaming market. "Meets expectations." is not a goal a company should strive for (as they commented about PSP Go sales). Honestly, I can wait for things to come out. I'm not being impatient. I'm being realistic and a frustrated consumer who knows that we deserved more than what we got. The PSP Go has a lot going for it. It also has a lot going against it, which, to any realistic buyer in the hand-held market, would make the PSP Go seem far from a good buy. And that's what Sony should be focusing on. Nurturing their "new baby" with some kickass updates and giving buyers some real incentive. 2 games is not a continuing incentive. It's a laughable try though.
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#6 Gambitcrawfish
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I know people are being a bit silly saying Sony is slapping them in the face and that this PSN is an insult to everyone who bought a Go.

But really, is there any reason that a game like Dissidia shoudn't have been on the store for this update? You have to admit, Sony dropped the ball big-time this week. I mean, really, who at Sony can honestly say it was a good idea to follow-up a lackluster 100/250(originally planned digitalgames) with 2 new downloads?

"So yeah, I have this GREAT idea guys. We launch the Go with 100 titles...then the next week after the successful launch...we give them...nothing. How does that sound?"

Pretty lame, actually.

Edit: Also, Square Enix (or any other company)has nothing to do with digital distribution. As the games are already on PSP, it's Sony's proprietary responsibility to make the games translation to digital and post in to the PSN. Unless a company has decided to revoke all distribution of a game, disc or digital, that is. This is more or less exactly what happened with PSN games like Trine.

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#7 Gambitcrawfish
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You can find Final Fantasy I & II Anniversary editions on ebay/amazon if you're looking for a grindy RPG, something that'll keep you entertained for a while. personally, I'm hoping they put some PSone Final Fantasies on the PSN one day, particularly IX. I hear Brave Story is pretty decent. PSone Suikoden is up on the PSN as well. There are plenty of RPG's on PSP, it just depends on what you're looking for.

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#8 Gambitcrawfish
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Naughty Dog isn't making it. What did you really expect?

Hopefully ND just pulls a Call of Duty 3 and forgets it existed. I think that would be best for the series.

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#9 Gambitcrawfish
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I use the hard faux-leather official PSP Go traveler case. It makes it feel very secure in my opinion. Probably the best case for any handheld I've ever used considering playing the PSP Go inside the case is intended and easy.

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#10 Gambitcrawfish
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As far as I can tell, it is still slated for January 2010. There were a bunch of screens posted in September.