Howdy fellas. It's been a slow month for me. Mainly because I've only bought two games since the beginning of April. Yup, recently I got Crackdown and MGS: Portable Ops, and I gotta say that Crackdown is alot more fun than I thought it would be. The 360 elite launches in a few days and I gotta' admit that I'm pretty stoked about it. For some reason I knew as soon as I saw it that I had to have it. Maybe it's the Jet black color...maybe it's that hefty 120 gig harddrive. Whatever the reason it looked awesome...and I've been jonesin' for a black 360 ever since they came out. I've also commenced what I like to call Operation: HD. Thats right...operation: High Definition. My plan is to somewhere down the road acquire an HDTV. My HDTV of choice is the 40 inch Sharp AQUOS, which at it's highest runs in 1080p. I've been doing some research on it, and it looks pretty frickin sweet. With some luck I'll be able to get it soon. Of course they don't come cheap...especially if you want quality.
The other day I was visting and I came across a video clip of Jack Thompson talking about the Virgina Tech shooting. I found it hilarious that that man can be called an "expert" in school shootings, when all he does is rant about how Doom is his famous "Murder Simulator". Honestly the video was no different...he just went on and on and on and on about how games can teach people to kill and maintain a "low heart rate" while doing it. Thompson can spit all he wants it honestly doesn't make him any smarter than he already is. Well...I reckon I'm done for've you guys been?