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The Lynch Mob

Can someone please explain to me how Eidos managed to SNAFU Kane and Lynch. After all the hype and the awesome, dramatic trailers, they pull the 'ole "Overhyped Dud" on us? Ahh man that was one dissappointment I didn't see coming. I watched the video review here on Gamespot, and Icould hardly believe my eyes. The gameplay looked TERRIBLE, the visuals ATROCIOUS. Ugh man don't you hate that...a developer promises an excellent game experience, they fill the internet with stylish trailers, they even get a cover spot in Game Informer magazine, and for this? If I had the power, I'd shove a copy of the game in the lead developers mouth, deprive him of a nights dinner, and tell him to make it again. I had my hopes sooo high for Kane & Lynch and we get screwed over. Then again...that's what usually happens when you delay a game repeatedly....COUGHarmyoftwoCOUGH. Yeah...that's the effect Kane & Lynch has bestowed upon me for Army of Two...although given EA's terrible track record with action games THEY develop it shouldn't surprise me. So yeah I'll be waiting for Army of Two to be getting a 7 or below...and I'm guessing it's going below 7. Although if they do manage to make a good game, I will be impressed.

Well we can always depend on Ubisoft to make a great game. I picked up my limited edition Assassins Creed last wednesday, and I just gotta say that Ubisoft has managed to outdo itself in every aspect. I don't know how they did it but Ubisoft crafted a world that truly does feel alive...perhaps even more alive than Grand Theft Auto. Every little thing you do can juice a reaction from the people of the game, whether it be benign or not. Creed manages to maintain the familiar control that Prince of Persia did oh so well back in '03 when it burst onto the scene. But Creed...Creed just, makes it evolve...I don't know how but if you've played it you'll know. Ubisoft truly has created a masterpiece. Perhaps Eidos should take a page from Ubisoft, and learn how to deliver a great experience when you promise one.