So, you may be wondering several things:
1) Why is GameFreak writing a blog at nearly one in the morning?
2) Why am I reading this?
3) Where has GameFreak been?
While you already know the answer to the second one and just don't realise it ( ;) ), the other two will be answered...rather briefly, actually.
1) I just got back from a late flight from a vacation in Arizona.
3) I've been in Arizona. :P
More details about Arizona will come later...with pictures! :D But for now, you'll have to settle for text. :(
I guess that kinda explains why I've been not on the forums, nor have I been in your blogs (even less than usual). But I'll try to make it up as long as there are things to be posted. :)
Another order of business: There are four CDs I'm considering for purchase in the near future. I have three of them locked in (meaning that I'm definitely getting them at some point), but one of them I'm not totally sure about. The CDs are as follows:
"Five Score and Seven Years Ago" by Relient K. I love this band. ^_^
"Twenty-Eight Teeth" by Buck-O-Nine. People of the Ska Union will know about this one. :P
"[Whatever the title of Streetlight Manifesto's next album is]" by Streetlight Manifesto. Again, Ska Union. :)
"Americana" by The Offspring. Courtesy of fishdalf in one of his earlier blogs whichgave a strong recommendation for "The Kids Aren't Alright." It's a great song, but I'm skeptical as to whether the rest of the songs are worth having, or if I would be fine with just getting a couple of them instead of the entire CD. This is where I need help...Offspring fans, unite!