We had our first home football game performance last night. It went poorly. >_> Luckily, that was only a dress-rehersal for today's "competition." (Not really a competition, more like an evaluation.)
Our "competition" performance was better. I felt like I played well, and it sounded really good. Only bad thing is that we should have played louder for our kick-ass ending to Movement 2. It's so awesome sounding. 8)
Jazz band's going better...yeah, the music's still tough, but I'm getting the hand of it. I've been playing jazz ever since I started playing saxophone in like 7th grade, but never of this calibur. It's really fun...but I hope I can play tenor next year. Bari just isn't my thing. :(
I was supposed to meet after school this week with the Speech "coach," for lack of a better word, but on Thursday she seemed flustered and Friday she went home sick. She's really nice...she has this sort of naturally sarcastic look that just cracks me up. :P And she knows what she's talking about...which is good. :)
I always remember watching those TV shows where there was a high school project episode where the project was for a guy and a girl to pair up and have a "family" and plan out a budget and everything. I also remember thinking, I'm so glad my school isn't cliche enough to do that. Well, all I can say is, it is cliche enough. We picked partners on Friday. >_>