Have you been reading my blog recently? If you answered "yes," then you're a liar! :o I haven't written a blog in nearly two weeks. :P
Last week I had my first Speech & Debate tournament. I did alright, considering it was my first tournament ever. I got 4th out of 8 for my humorous interpretation. :)
On Friday I had my second tournament. I didn't do as well, but the people were more prepared at this one too. I'm still not really sure what to expect each time I go to a new place. I had a good time, but I wish I'd made the final round. I suppose I could be real bummed about it, but after it was over someone I'd talked to before then told me about how he'd heard that I was a funny guy...from whom, I have no idea, but then he said something like, "It's just one tournament, and it's your first year. I mean, honestly, you're doing well." I mean, that's not word-for-word, but it's close. :P
Now, for band: Right after my first Speech thing, we went to Minnesota. The band, I mean, not the Speech people. Bus ride was amazing, and we ended up winning just about everything...which is a nice change. We usually suck. :P
We stayed overnight at a school which I'm now convinced is for mentally challenged kids. I mean, I don't have anything against it, but I just had to find out by the things I found around the building. A few friends and I decided not to sleep. We stayed up and talked about...well, late-night randomness. Later we left the gym to walk around so as not to disturb the sleepers. Craziness ensued.
First, the gym happenings. In the gym, we were put on seperate sides depending on gender. The gym had dividers that seperated the room into sections, so those were put up. We ended up talking throughthe dividers and passing a camera through it to take weird pictures for laughs.
Also, someone let off an airhorn in the middle of the night. It didn't bother me because I wasn't actually asleep, but still. :P
Okay, so in the halls: We slid pizza boxes to each other. That lasted about five minutes...someone accidentally stomped on a pack of ranch dressing and it got everywhere. We had to clean it. :?
We played some cards. It was around the time when the tiredness starts kicking in, so we weren't at the top of our game. That made it interesting.
One of the drummers spray painted a graffiti symbol in the shower room. He thought it would come right off. Well, it did...after we sprayed an entire can of Axe Body Spray on it. Apparently, alcohol removes paint...and apparently, Axe has alcohol in it. Go figure.
When everyone else woke up, we got on the buses and went to the Old Country Buffet...did you know that you can get tacos for breakfast there? And ice cream...I had to trya little of that. :P We went to a really nice church for mass. It was huge, but the priests talked slow. :P
The ride home wasn't bad. I was tired beyond any belief, but we watched Gremlins. :lol: