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Manuscript Method.

I've been in Speech for about a week and a half. I have to give my personal experience speech tomorrow. That's weird, because last semester in Composition (which you may remember was my favorite c1ass), we had to write a personal experience essay. I could have easily used the same story. But I didn't...I don't think I could openly talk about something like that in front of a room of people I don't know. Well, I know about half of them, but I wouldn't even tell people I know about the essay.

Last weekend I three movies:

Pan's Labyrinth, which was really, really good. :D
Fargo, which was very interesting and different.
Rain Man, which was incredible. ^_^

I have about another month until I get my wisdom teeth pulled. Or maybe they're my molars. I can't remember which. All I know is that they're perminant teeth, and it'll probably suck. I've heard it only takes a few days to get over, though.

But then I have to get braces about a month after that, and I have to keep them on for two years. That'll be through my Junior and Senior years of high school. :x I'm sure no one will think anything of it, but I'm concerned that my speaking will get thrown off, or my saxophone playing will suck. I don't want that, especially not now. :(

Oh, and we were doing some assignment in Speech today where we got into groups, went into different c1assrooms and watched clips from different movies the teacher chose. My group watched a scene from Finding Forrester, which we had watched in Composition the previous month. One group got The Shawshank Redemption, my second favorite movie of all time, and no one had ever heard of it. No one except for the teacher. I was like...:o
